Thursday, June 14, 2007


Today started out great. Took the kids to a party that Janice invited us too. The kids had a blast swimming, eating, and running around the yard-just as kids should.

Today, a good friend (co-worker) of mine died unexpectatedly. Miss Judy Jackson. I will miss her with all my heart. This a a woman who had many illnesses, yet never complained and never wanted anyone to fuss or worry about her. My greatest memory is the time we spent gossiping-shopping-talking while we were in NJ last summer. I have never met someone who adored the soaps and shopping. Her biggest complaint in life was that she could not wear her clothes or shoes. She kept saying she needed to have a yard sale to get rid of some clothes since she stated she had every closet -extra room- and storage filled with shopping bargains. I can just she the sea of clothes and shoes. Good-bye, Miss Judy.

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The kids had a blast. Hayden got to invite who he wanted. All his family and his kindergarten friends. They had fund trying to break the pinata and making snow cones.

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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Month end! OMG.....what slavery!
Today my baby turned 6! Where has time gone. Look how lively he is even at 9:30pm.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Beginning

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Okay, Let's see if I can actually keep up with this.
First a little about my family. Morty and I are highschool sweethearts and have been married for a little over 14 years. It has been a long journey for us with alot of ups and downs. I could not imagine my life without him. He is always there when I needed him. Hope to have many, many years with him.

We have 2 children, Diney 14 and Hayden-5. Diney is going to HIGH SCHOOL, can you believe that! She is truly a wonderful kid. She is going to an all girls school--in hopes to keep boys away for a just a few more years. She loves to play sports--soccer, softball, basketball, lacrosse, volleyball. She is not afraid of things in life that come her way! GOOD GIRL POWER!! Hayden is our little ball of FIRE! He keeps us on our toes. This will be his 2nd year of playing baseball and loving it. He will be going to 1st grade. My babies are growing up

Well that about sums it up!